Family Celebration
9am @ The Summit, Scarborough
10.00 Cafe Church 11.00 Family Church 11.20 The Gathering
The Summit, St Nicholas Street, Scarborough, YO11 2HF
Little Builders
Lunch Time Concert - Victoria Wright
12noon @ The Summit, Scarborough
Concert begins at 13:00 and usually runs for an hour with a 10 minute interval. Food and drinks available from The Hub Coffee Lounge. People come before for lunch. To book, call 01723 374516
Michelle & Martyn HC
6:30pm @ The Summit, Scarborough
Coffee morning
10am @ The Summit, Scarborough
Cavern club
11am @ The Summit, Scarborough
Summit Easter Holiday (Closed)
@ The Summit, Scarborough
Declaration over Scarborough
4pm @ The Summit, Scarborough
Eniola led event to have worship declaration and prayer over Scarborough.
Communion - Maundy Thursday
Hub Open from 19:15
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
54 Prayer
5pm @ The Summit, Scarborough
Join The Dots Prayer (East Coast Prayer)
Festival of Praise
6pm @ The Summit, Scarborough
Hub Open from 19:00, Praise from 19:30
1pm @ The Summit, Scarborough
1 John 5.4 THIS is the victory that has overcome the world. Paros seller the princesses album
Deeper 25
God Encounter
6:15pm @ The Summit, Scarborough
7:15pm @ The Summit, Scarborough