Youth Leaders' Area

Youth and children’s work resources

Often working hard behind the scenes, whilst maintaining the veneer of calm. Youth & Children’s workers are like swans, constantly working away under the surface while going about our everyday lives of running events and meetings. We see you and think you’re a star for getting involved! On this page you’ll find a host of ideas and resources to help you on your journey..


Below are a selection of resources we’ve produced to use with our youth locally, which we’ve had such good feedback on we’ve made available to everyone.

Easter Murder Mystery Event (resource pack) £5
The Easter Story Book £2.99
The Christmas Story Activity Book £2.99
God's Animal Kingdom: Extreme Animals (Activity book) £2.99
God's Animal Kingdom: Animal Adventures (Activity book) £2.99
The Jesse Tree - Family Devotional £2.99
Reading Through Romans (Bible reading guide) FREE
Journeying Through John (Bible reading guide) FREE
Eating Ephesians (Bible reading guide) FREE
Let’s read Matthew (Bible reading guide) FREE
Acts (Bible reading guide) FREE

One Minute Wisdom

One minute videos to make you think about how you go about the Youth & Children's work at church. How should you act? What order should you do things in? How long is too long? Enjoy these bite sized training videos which will help you think more about your own work and how to serve our youth and children even better.


If you’re looking for inspiration for new games or challenges to try with your youth group, take a peek at our Youth Group Games Ideas playlist. All of these games are ones we use regularly in our work at United or The Move can be seen below: