Join Pierre, Berol and Alf on a fact-finding mission around the world in their hot air balloon! They visit a wide variety of habitats from every continent on earth to see what kind of animals live in the different places. It’s a fun and fact-filled adventure.
Every page of this activity book references a different habitat and has puzzles and craft to match. There is also a link of how one animal from each habitat can remind us of something from the Bible - labelled as ‘God’s Animal Kingdom’ and Pierre’s ‘Did you notice?’. There are also a collection of ‘Conservation conversation’ sections which highlight the good work which is being done, encouraging stories of successes around the world as well as areas for improvement.
There are free PDF Downloads and craft tutorial videos available for all the craft shown in the book which can be downloaded here.
Also available: God’s Animal Kingdom: Extreme Animals - the second Activity Book in the series.
This God's Animal Kingdom Activity Book is part of a series of activity books made by Young Saints for primary school aged children (5-11s). Each one has a different focus, but they’re all packed with fun and games for your children to enjoy! Click here to see all available resources from Young Saints.
If you would like to purchase more than 10 for your church or school please email