Kingdom Faith Church

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The Jesse Tree - Family Devotional [10 Pack]

Young Saints

[10 Pack]
The Jesse Tree - Family Devotional [10 Pack] - Young Saints

A 25 day ADVENT-ure through the Bible

Have you ever seen a family tree? Maybe you’ve seen one on the wall of a big historic house or castle? Or do you have a family member who loves history and has mapped out all of your family going back through the years? This devotional is based on the family tree of a man in the Bible called Jesse - hence The Jesse Tree - and is inspired by some verses in Isaiah 11.

Each day there is a passage to read, some questions to discuss and then a suggestion of how to respond and pray together as a family about what you’ve learnt. We hope you enjoy learning about some key figures and important stories in the family of Jesse and his most famous descendant - Jesus!

Available to purchase as an individual story book or in packs of 5/10 for you to give away in your Church.

Also available: The Christmas Story Activity Book.