Kingdom Faith Training Kingdom Faith Degree Programme with ForMission College

Kingdom Faith Degree Programme

With ForMission College

Are you passionate about knowing God more? Passionate about understanding your call from God? Are you wanting to be professionally and spiritually equipped for 21st century mission and ministry?

We can help! This can be done! You can study for your BA degree with Kingdom Faith! We are committed to partnering with you on your journey. Kingdom Faith Church, working with ForMission College, equips Christians and leaders to transform their communities through accredited training, thoughtful leadership & missional support.

As well as classroom learning and online, integral to this three-year degree programme is experiencing and reflecting upon practical ministry experience. This can be completed at our Scarborough Campus, or our Horsham Hub, but also includes your own local situation. This can be your current ministry work, paid or unpaid.

This programme is fully accredited by Newman University. It is a fully recognised English BA Degree and therefore you will have access to a student loan from Student Finance England (SFE).

If you are interested in applying for our September intake, please contact:

“Doing the degree has been really life changing for me, my faith has been really strengthened. As well as developing intellectually and spiritually, I’ve gained such practical skills and knowledge of how to put this theology into practice in ministry.”

Megan, ForMission Student

Course details

The course is structured around six modules per year. Three modules will happen as three separate one week on-site in-person conferences, alongside cluster groups, tutorials and social activities at the Summit (Kingdom Faith in Scarborough), our Scarborough Campus. Three other modules will be facilitated online. Outside of facilitation there will be additional online cluster group meetings and tutorials.  If you are based at the Campus in Scarborough, you will have in-person cluster groups and tutorials, more like a traditional university degree course. Assessments based on the modules include essay writing, presentations and a journal kept by each student. Students will need between 1-2 days per week for independent study, reading and to complete assessments.

Modules/areas covered as part of this degree programme include:

  • Biblical studies (Old and New Testament)
  • Theology
  • Church history
  • Mission
  • Missional Leadership
  • Apologetics
  • Elective modules

Work-based learning

Each student is required to complete at least 12 hours per week of ‘work-based learning.’ This involves being part of a local Church or ministry and is aimed at developing students in ministry and mission through involvement in different aspects of the Church or organisation.

Students can either complete their work-based learning within their local church – for example Kingdom Faith London or Kingdom Faith South-West or your own local church/ministry. You would then join a weekly cluster group remotely. Alternatively, you can join the Campus & Hub base in at Kingdom Faith in Scarborough - either coming like a regular university student during term times, or moving to Scarborough for a longer period, or you could become part of the Kingdom Faith Hub based in West Sussex.

Personal Development

Our programmes are built on five areas of formation:

  1. Personal Formation: developing the interpersonal communication skills which make it possible for people to respond well to your leadership style.
  2. Intellectual Formation: learning cutting edge theories which can be tested in your work-based learning context.
  3. Ministry Formation: developing the character of Christ the disciple-maker – becoming like Christ the missional leader par excellence.
  4. Missional Formation: learning the key ideas and skills needed to equip the church for God’s mission through missional leadership.
  5. Spiritual Formation: helping students to develop spiritual practices that enable them to have a deeper relationship with God and discern God’s mission.

“The ForMission course was an amazing time for me! It certainly stretched, challenged and enabled me to grow stronger in faith and my life as a believer.”

David, ForMission Alumni

Student Suport

We will actively support you throughout your studies. Our support will be tailored to your situation – you may be in ministry, re-entering education or coming from sixth form college, so together we will make it work for you. The staff are available to provide general support, as well as assistance with study skill.

At the Summit in Scarborough, you will also have access to learning resources, teaching rooms, the Hub Café and a Student relaxing area (computer games, air hockey, pool). We can even put on a movie in the ‘home’ cinema. This means space is available for peer support, working together, worship and prayer.

Programme Accreditation

Upon completion students will receive a BA Honours degree in Theology, Mission and Ministry from Newman University, Birmingham. Kingdom Faith Church work in partnership with ForMission College who design and run the course centrally. We recommend you read further about the course on the ForMission College web site:

The Academic Year Experience

Each year the academic and term dates are confirmed in advance. The academic year is spread over three ten week terms starting in late September and ending in early June. There is a break at Christmas and at Easter. Cluster Groups and Tutorials happen during term time. The Work Based Learning experience is an integral part of the degree and runs from September to June. Overall, for the degree, you are expected to cover at least 12 hours per term, which in total is 360 hours per year. You will be reflecting upon this learning experience in your other academic work. During the academic year you will be involved in personal formation (discipleship), preparing for presentations, journaling, reading, debating, compiling reports and writing essays. There are no exams

Facilitation Conferences During the Academic Year

The Facilitation Conferences are held during the academic year. The normal pattern for each year is that facilitation lectures will cover three modules over three separate weeks before Christmas, starting in October. This is then followed by three further modules, also over three separate weeks, in the following calendar year starting in January. The third year has four weeks of Facilitation plus a research project.

Campus Staff

Paul Abell

Paul Abell
Campus Tutor & Facilitator

Paul has been working with ForMission since 2015, he has been the Senior Leader of Kingdom Faith Yorkshire since 2007 and is part of the National Leadership with Kingdom Faith. Previously, Paul was a Pastor in Kingdom Faith Horsham, including pioneering the children’s work, J24/:7 and GO Generation. His passion for education and equipping comes from nearly 30 years in church and educational leadership. In 2019 Paul achieved a distinction for his MA in Mission and Leadership, the title of his dissertation was: ‘Community on a Hill: The Journey of Kingdom Faith Yorkshire Towards Becoming a Missional Community That Cannot be Hidden.’ This focussed on how a local church can re-imagine itself to being vital in the neighbourhood, the journey from being an attractional congregation to being a missional Trinitarian community.

Naomi Brien

Naomi Brien
Campus Administration & Facilitator

Naomi Brien has been actively part of the Kingdom Faith family for over 25 years, volunteering in various missions and projects. She attended the Kingdom Faith Roffey Bible College and then later completed a BA in Theology and Mission with ForMission College. Currently Naomi is excited for the next steps on her journey with God. Her two new adventures are studying for the master’s degree with ForMission College and taking on these new roles working with students with Kingdom Faith/ForMission.

Michelle Grant

Michelle Grant
Pastoral & Mentoring

Michelle is a former BA student of ForMission College. Michelle is passionate about the ForMission degree course, she sees it as giving a very practical understanding of how to be partnering with God in His mission. Michelle is now the Church Pastor at Kingdom Faith Church Scarborough. She enjoys supporting, equipping and encouraging people to enable them to fulfil their potential in God.

Shona Ward

Shona Ward
Student Support & Mentoring

Shona is originally from Scotland, now living in Scarborough having moved to join the team at Kingdom Faith Yorkshire in 2008. She is a member of the senior leadership team with a special interest in prayer. Having recently graduated with a BA from ForMission herself she has a passion to see others raised up as missional leaders, drawing from her practical leadership experience, alongside her academic and training into practice.

Fraser Newman

Fraser Newman
Online Facilitator

Fraser previously headed up the Kingdom Faith degree programme until 2022. Now living in the United States of America he will be facilitating classes online. Fraser is passionate about combining theological training with discipleship. A product of the programme we offer himself, Fraser has gone on to continue studying and is currently completing an MTh at Oxford University as part of Wycliffe Hall.

Jonathon Dyke

Jonathon Dyke
Horsham Hub Placement Supervisor

Jonathon has extensive experience in ministry and training. Having been involved in helping to run our Bible College for many years, Jonathon has a passion to release people into their potential. He also has experience in church planting and ministry, having planted our Worthing congregation and travelled across the UK and Europe to many of our partnering churches in his role of coordinating those relationships.

Andrea Vollprecht

Andrea Vollprecht
Horsham Hub Administrator

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find the answer to several frequently asked questions, however if your question’s not on the list send us an email to, or telephone +44 1723 374516 and we’ll get back to you with more information

Can I work and still study?

Yes, although this is a full-time course. You will need time for the conferences in Scarborough, joining with online teaching, clusters and tutorials, the work-based learning and personal study. Some students find work outside of term time. If you are already in work, such as a church or ministry leader, then studying on the course is possible, but you will need support from your base. You will also need to be able to be flexible but being based in a church or a ministry means you could make some or all your work hours your work placement hours which can make it easier. This means you’ll also be reflecting on your actual work, which can be very beneficial

Is this an accredited degree?

Yes, you will receive a BA (Hons) degree in Theology, Mission and Ministry from Newman University (Birmingham) upon completion.

Is it possible to get a student loan for this?

Yes, if you are eligible for student loan then you can apply for student finance.

Do I need to be academically-minded to do this degree?

An interest in theology, the Bible and communicating your faith with others is essential for this course. We can help to train you with study skills but the passion to do the study is vitally important. Whilst this degree is very practical with the work-based learning aspect of the course, it does involve commitment to reading and writing essays and so a certain level of academic competency is required.

What do I do if I want to relocate to (or stay in) Scarborough to be part of Kingdom Faith and complete the course?

Get in contact with Paul Abell or Naomi Brien and we can talk details. Scarborough is a university town so is ready for students. We can also arrange for you to come for an Open Day and see the main building base, The Summit and meet the staff. Email and we can call you or email you back. Or call 01723 374516.

What do I do if I want to relocate to (or stay in) West Sussex to be part of Kingdom Faith and complete the course?

Get in contact with Jonathon Dyke or Andrea Loonstra and we can give you some suggestions of how this might be possible. Although based in West Sussex you will still attend three one week conferences in Scarborough – covering three modules. Email or call us on 01403 275025

Can I stay where I am in my home church and still complete the course?

Yes, you can! For this to be possible you will have to be able to complete a work-based learning programme of 12 hours or more a week (for a total of 360 hours per academic year) at an agreed placement, attend a weekly cluster and tutorial (online) and travel to Scarborough, North Yorkshire three times a year for facilitation. If restrictions on travel, or personal reasons, mean that you cannot travel to Scarborough it would still be possible to join the classroom remotely via Zoom.

What do I do if I want to stay in my local church/ministry? (Kingdom Faith or otherwise)

Get in contact with Paul Abell or Naomi Brien and we can talk details. You will need to talk to your own local leadership of course and you’ll need a Church Leader (or person in a leadership capacity) who is willing to be your placement supervisor. This person will oversee you in your work-based learning and correspond with staff from Kingdom Faith. Email and we can call you or email you back. Or call: 01723 374516

How do I apply?

After we’ve talked about the opportunities together you will make your formal application online:

The ForMission College site also has a useful admissions FAQ that you may find helpful.

How much does the course cost?

Up to date information can be found on the ForMission website

Do I have to pay extra for my work-based learning and mentoring?

No, the work-based learning is an integral part of the training and mentoring of the course.

Will I be paid for my work based learning?

No, the work-based learning is an integral part of the training and mentoring of the course. However, if you have paid work at your location, and your employer allows it, you can use your work hours as part of your work-based learning, For example, you may already be a Pastor, Youth Leader, Children’s Leader, Church Secretary etc. However, depending on your role, you may have to explore areas outside of your actual employment as well.

Should I complete this course even if I am not sure what God is calling me to?

Bible College, academic study, university and ministry afterwards – these are things we believe God calls us to do. Right now, you may not know what God has for you in the future but certainly dedicating this time to learning and serving God is an excellent way to discern and understand what the call of God on your life is! You may not be completely sure about doing the course, but that’s where faith comes into it! This is a valuable three years, set aside, to seek God, to meet with God and come to know Him in a deep and fresh way – to be discovering your future in Him.

What actual degree will I gain?

If you complete Year 3 you will be awarded BA(Hons) in Theology, Mission and Ministry with specialism in Missional Leadership. If you exit the programme after passing Year 1 of the BA you will be awarded a CertHE in Theology, Mission and Ministry. If you exit the programme after passing Year 2 of the BA you will be awarded a DipHE in Theology, Mission and Ministry.

Can I find out more about ForMission College?

More information about ForMission can be found on their website.

Will the degree help me even if I do not go into paid ministry?

The majority of ministry is not paid. This degree will challenge you personally, spiritually and intellectually. It will deepen your knowledge of God, the Bible and Theology and will be a huge asset to any ministry, paid or voluntary. If you already have a career or ministry, then for most people, they find the practicality, the reflection and the discipline of the study to be of great benefit.

What paid roles could I go into after this degree?

You could go into Christian ministry in church leadership, pastoring, church planting, or youth work. You could also work for a Christian charity, become a chaplain in a hospital or the army, a youth worker for a local council or charity or go into teacher training at primary, secondary or college level. If you excel in this degree, opportunities for further study at top universities are also possible for you. It is a BA(Hons) degree course and so has the possibility to generate career opportunities in many different situations.

If you are interested in applying, please contact:  Or call Paul Abell or Naomi Brien on  01723 374516. We’ll be happy to call you back.

Please also see for further details of the course