Community Angels

Community Angels

Connecting the community to services & groups in Scarborough...

Community Angels has grown out of the existing Angels’ work, the Street Angels and the Youth Angels. We are a church led team, who started in early 2014, who have undergone training and are eager to build on that same vision. Our desire and focus is to make a positive difference in our town by helping provide support and encouragement to many people, including the vulnerable, in our local community.

As with all our Angels initiatives we work in close partnership with the local community, North Yorkshire Police, Scarborough Borough Council and other local charities and agencies (such as the Rainbow Centre for example).

What we do

  • Ever felt overwhelmed when trying to get help from local support services? We can help by accompanying you and being there with you in meetings as well if you need us to.
  • We can help and support you in a friendly and informal way, one to one.
  • Feeling cut off? Lonely? We can help by introducing you to new friends, asking for a safe local person to give you a call. We can also help connect you to local groups, people and services that you don’t yet know about. Or perhaps you just need a little help to overcome a natural shyness so that you can meet new people.
  • Often there is help already available in the local community, we love to help people make connections.
  • We are here to stay and we will try to help you to have your needs met.

Got questions? Need help?

For more information contact Michelle Grant Community Angels Coordinator by emailing

You can also call in at The Summit on St Nicholas Street, just ask for Michelle at the Hub Coffee Lounge on the first floor (there’s a lift). If they are not there, one of the Summit Team will be able to chat with you and share a drink with you if you like. They will happily take your details so that Michelle can get in touch with you. The Summit’s main opening times are 10am-4pm, Tuesday to Saturday, and until 7pm on Thursdays.

You can also call Michelle directly at 07738 245636 and she will be able to organise a time to meet you to help you further. The Summit’s main opening times are 10am-4pm, Tuesday to Saturday, and until 7pm on Thursdays.

Community Angels are working in partnership with:

Churches together in Scarborough North Yorkshire Police Safer Communities in North Yorkshire Scarborough Council
Find out more about Youth Angels Find out more about Street Angels